Why Bangladesh
According to Lightcastle
Partners Bangladesh
Business Condence
Index, Healthcare is
touted as one of the most
promising sectors and
healthcare spending is
expected to grow to USD
11.1bn by 2024 from
USD7.4bn in 2019.
Healthcare sector was
given the highest priority
owing to the current
pandemic situation and
post pandemic times with
23.44% additional
allocation (as compared
to last fiscal year) and
incentives were
by the Bangladesh
Bangladesh’s medical
devices and equipments
market is expected to
achieve one of the fastest
growth rates in the world
in the next 5 years. The
size of Bangladesh’s
medical device market in
2020 was TK 200 billion.
The medical equipment
industry in Bangladesh
is highly importoriented.
85% of the
medical supplies are
imported from the USA,
India, China, South Korea
and the European